How to find files by date range touch rhel
How to find files by date range touch rhel

how to find files by date range touch rhel

Linux does not use extensions to determine the file type. Still in case you have questions, please feel free to get in touch with me.The file utility determines the file type. Would suggest you to try playing with the combinations on your own to deepen the understanding. If you want to delete files older than 1 day, you can try using -mtime +0 or - mtime 1 or - mmin $((60*24)). Rather to explain it further, it simply says to match files modified two or more days ago. So, when you specify -mtime +1, it looks for files older more than 1 day. Important point to note in the above statement is that the fractional part is always ignored. In the descriptions, wherever n is used as a primary argument, it shall be interpreted as a decimal integer optionally preceded by a plus ( ‘+’ ) or minus-sign ( ‘-‘ ) sign, as follows: +n More than n. mtime n The primary shall evaluate as true if the file modification time subtracted from the initialization time, divided by 86400 (with any remainder discarded), is n. The POSIX specification for find command states that : rm stands to remove in Unix.Īlthough it is a very simple command, still I want you understand the usage of mtime in find command in a little more detail. Unix find command is used to achieve the desired result.įind /path/to/the/directory/ -type f -name '*' -mtime +30 -exec rm \ : This is actually the execution command which calls for deletion of all the files filtered by all the above criteria. Recently I came across one such requirement of deleting files older than X days from a directory in Unix server and I thought of sharing the solution with you. It comes up with multiple options which when gets handy can help you cover a lot of functional requirements like moving files among directories, deleting old files, archiving files etc. find command is more powerful than you can really imagine. In order to delete files older than X number of days, try using Unix find command. In this simple tutorial, we’ll quickly look at the solution to this problem. The best way to achieve is to have a cron job or an autosys job which will delete the older log files from the directory.

how to find files by date range touch rhel

In Production server, there is always a need to free up the disk space from time to time.

How to find files by date range touch rhel