Free cinema 4d models low poly
Free cinema 4d models low poly

free cinema 4d models low poly free cinema 4d models low poly

Once you do this, you will not have access to the previous options Selected and simply click on the Make Editable button in the top right of Sphere, we will need to make it editable. In order to make any further changes to our Now we have the basic shape for our 3D Mini Planet. In the drop-down menu, choose Icosahedron. Here we can select the type of sphere we would like to use. The sphere options should appear again in the bottom right of the screen. Select the sphere again by clicking on it. From there, choose Gouraud Shading (Lines). Polygon lines, click on the Display button, which can be found Sphere in the low poly style (otherwise it will appear smooth when we render). Hitting delete or Backspace on your keyboard. You can do this by clicking on it to select it and then This tutorial, I have changed the Segments to 15, but feel free to Under the Object tab, we can scale the sphere up from 100cm to 250cm. Once the sphere has been created, you can thenĬhange the properties of the sphere in the lower right-hand corner of the screen. Select the Sphere tool by clicking on it. This will reveal a sub menu where you can click toĬreate more objects. Left Click and Hold on the blue AddĬube Object button. Here you will find almost all the tools that we will Open your Cinema 4D and take a look at the top Some of the skills you will learn will include creating basic 3D shapes, manipulating them, and using basic lighting and rendering. We will use the popular low poly style for this project. Use it for your video games, graphic design and illustration projects! Looking to learn Cinema 4D quickly and easily by creating a 3D Mini Planet? You can do it in this simple and fun tutorial, where we will go through how to create it step by step.

Free cinema 4d models low poly